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S3 Va9 120'S Antioxidants


R 630


This product is safe for use by professional athletes.

In our modern fast-paced life with stress, environmental pollutants and sometimes unhealthy diet, we have an added need for nutritional support. VA9contains 9 well researched, well-known antioxidants that work in synergy together for optimal vitality and well being.


Click on the links below to have a look at the amazing vitality benefits of each one of these antioxidants.
Curcumin C3 Reduct ®
Boswellia Super®
AstaReal® Astaxanthin 5%
Sensoril® Ashwagandha
Bromelain >4000 GDU's/g
MSM - (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane)




Measuring Unit

Amount /CapsuleAmount per serving(2 Caps)Amount per day(4 Caps)
MSM - (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane)mg3006001200
Black seed extract (Nigella sativa)mg125250500
Quercetin 98%mg100200400
Curcumin C3 Reduct ® (95% Tetrahydrocurcuminoids) equivalent to 75g of turmeric powdermg100200400
Sensoril® Ashwagandha (10% Withanolide glyocsides)mg62.5125250
Boswellia Super® (Boswellia serrata) 30% AKBBAmg56.3112.5225
AstraGin® (Astragalus Root Extract, San-qi Ginseng Root Extract)mg2550100
AstaReal® Astaxanthin 5%mg2550100
Bromelain >4000 GDU's/gmg12.52550
BioPerine® (Black Pepper Extract)mg2.5510

Inactive Ingredients

Vegetable magnesium stearate, aerosil and gelatin capsule

*Curcumin C3 Reduct®, Boswellin® Super and BioPerine® are registered trademarks of the Sabinsa Corp.


Take 2 tablets twice daily with a meal.

Keep container firmly sealed and store in a cool (below 7C) dry place.

This product is a food supplement. It is always advisable if you have been diagnosed with a medical condition to consult with your health care provider before consuming any new food supplements (particularly children, pregnant or lactating women, people with chronic kidney problems or insulin-dependent diabetes). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases or replace any medications. A food supplement can complement, but does not replace a balanced diet.

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