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S3 Bedtime Protein 1kg


R 460



Sleep is the most important time for muscle recovery and building of muscle through the action of growth hormone that the body releases at night, but we need tohave enough amino acids, the building blocks of muscle proteins available to do this. The BedTime Protein drink contains a combination of four proteins thatrelease at different times ensuring that amino acids are available throughout the night. It is also high in insoluble fibre and has added vitamins. Added benefits are the addition of Peptan™ Hydrolyzed Collagen to promote healthy, younger looking skin, strong tendons, joints and muscles and Medium-Chain Triglycerides thatmay help with burning excess calories, promoting fat oxidation and reducing food intake.

S3 uses only native milk proteins

Native milk proteins are whey protein and casein protein in its native or natural state, extracted unaltered from raw milk

Contains no artificial sweetener, soy, soy protein or soy lecithin

  • Slow release protein
  • Aids muscle building and recovery during sleep
  • Prevents waking up hungry
  • 3g prebiotic fiber per serving
  • With Peptan™ Collagen Hydrolysate
  • Medium-chain triglycerides and added vitamins
  • Suitable for men, women and children

Unit of


per 40 g

per 100 g


% NRV* per

40 g serving

Total Carbohydrateg3.38.25 
of which total sugarsg2.87 
Total fatg3.15687.9 
of which mono unsaturated fatty acidsgtracetrace 
of which poly unsaturated fatty acidsg0.35680.9 
of which saturated fatty acidsg2.87.0 
of which trans fatty acidsgtracetrace 
Cholesterolmg0.82< 300 mg/day**
Dietary Fibreg3830 - 40 g/day**
Vitamin Aµg REa33383333%
Vitamin Dµg b1.7433%
Vitamin Emgc3.3833%
Vitamin Cmg20.05033%
Vitamin B1 Thiaminmg0.5133%
Vitamin B2 Riboflavinmg0.5133%
Vitamin B6 Pyrodoxinemg0.7233%
Folic acidµg66.016533%
Vitamin B12µg0.3133%
Pantothenic acidmg2.0533%

* NRV = Nutrient reference values for individuals 4 years and older.

**Contains milk allergens

Protein blend of Milk Protein Isolate (92% Micellar Casein, 8% Whey Protein), Whey Protein Concentrate (MilkProtein), Whey Protein Isolate(Milk Protein) Collagen Hydrolysate (Peptan™), Prebiotic Fibre Synergy1 (Inulinand Oligofuctos), Medium-Chain Triglycerides Fructose, Flavourings (Nature Identical), Stivia, Xanthan Gum,Glutamine ( L-Glutamine, Magnesium Glycyl Glutamine AAC™), MagnaPower™ (Magnesium Creatine Chelate), Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Vitamin E, Thiamin (Vitamin B1), Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Nicotinamide (Vitamin B3), Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5), Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6), Vitamin B12, Folic Acid, Biotin Black Pepper Extract(BioPerine®), Chromium Chelavite® AAC™, Vanadium Chelavite® AAC™

Men       -- Mix 2 level scoops (40g) with 250ml water or skimmed milk before bedtime.
Woman -- Mix 1 heaped scoop (25g) with 150ml water or skimmed milk before bedtime. 1 level scoop = approximately 20g

Please note
Some of the specialized ingredients inside the BedTimeProtein draws water (hydroscopic), which may cause clamping and discolouration of the product. To prevent this from happening, after use squeeze air out of bag, seal and make sure the seal is secure.

Store in a cool (below 25C) dry place.

This product is a food supplement. It is always advisable if you have been diagnosed with a medical condition to consult with your health care provider before consuming any new food supplements (particularly children, pregnant or lactating women, people with chronic kidney problems or insulin-dependent diabetes). This product is not intended todiagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases or replace any medications. A food supplement can complement but does not replace a balanced diet.

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